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Acerca de CES

CES es una organización de base comunitaria multirracial y multiétnica que empodera a las personas de ingresos bajos y moderados para lograr la justicia económica y social en Los Ángeles desde 1973.

Las primeras campañas de organización de CES se centraron en el transporte, los servicios públicos, los alimentos asequibles y los problemas de empleo. Estas campañas lograron frenar los aumentos de las tarifas de los autobuses y de los servicios públicos, redujeron los precios de la leche y lucharon por los derechos de los desempleados.

A medida que los alquileres se dispararon a mediados de la década de 1970, los derechos de los inquilinos, el control de alquileres y la preservación de viviendas asequibles se convirtieron en las prioridades de CES.

Misión Visión

Nuestra misión

La misión de la Coalición para la Supervivencia Económica (CES, por sus siglas en inglés) es ayudar a las personas trabajadoras de bajos ingresos en el área metropolitana de Los Ángeles y los condados circundantes a trabajar juntos para empoderarse para impactar los procesos de toma de decisiones que afectan su día a día. -vidas diurnas.
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Nuestra visión

CES trabaja para empoderar a los inquilinos que viven en viviendas privadas y subsidiadas por HUD para luchar por preservar viviendas asequibles seguras y de calidad.
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Nuestro equipo

larry bruto

Director ejecutivo

Larry Gross is the Executive Director of the Coalition for Economic Survival (CES). He has been with CES since its inception in 1973. Larry is currently the President of the Los Angeles Board of Animal Services Commissioners. LA Mayor Eric Garcetti appointed him to the Commission in February 2014. He has served on numerous City of LA housing related committees. Larry is the elected California Democratic Party (CDP) Region 12 Director and is a CDP Executive Board Member, as well as a board member of the Los Angeles County Democratic Party. He was a California Public Utilities Commission appointee to its Low-Income Oversight Board (LIOB) from 2012 to 2020 and was a member of the Board of Directors of the ACLU/Southern California, from 2012 to 2016. Larry also serves on the Board of the statewide tenants’ rights organization, Tenants Together.

​Organización de inquilinos de viviendas de tugurios/hogares saludables
carlos aguilar

Director de organización y inquilino/hogares

Carlos Aguilar is the Director of Organizing for the Coalition for Economic Survival where he works with staff to ensure they have the support and tools necessary to advocate for the right of all tenants to have safe, healthy and affordable housing. He works on program management and implementation for Eviction Prevention Programs as well as Healthy Housing Initiatives and Anti-Slum Housing work as well as working with staff on tenant education and empowerment. He has over fifteen years of experience as a community and labor organizer. He is bilingual English Spanish.  Mr. Aguilar is a graduate of the University of Southern California, where he received a BA in Political Science with a Minor in Business Administration.

Alcance de inquilinos del Programa de cuenta de depósito en garantía de alquiler (REAP)
Víctor Amaya

Alcance de inquilinos de

Victor Amaya provides tenant outreach services under CES’ Rent Escrow Account Program with the LA Housing Department. He previously served as a housing outreach assistant for the LA Center for Law and Justice. He has over 10 years of experience doing healthy housing outreach work in the community, he is bilingual, English/Spanish and is a certified Lead Renovator by the US Environmental Protection Agency.

​West Hollywood Tenant Outreach
​Eugene Maysky

Eugene Maysky concentrates on assisting and organizing renters in the City of West Hollywood with an extra focus on the city’s large Russian population. Eugene is bilingual, English/Russian. He also serves as a member and elected chair of the West Hollywood Russian-Speaking Advisory Board. Born in St. Petersburg, Russia, Eugene's background is in journalism, radio and television broadcasting and syndication. He grew up on the air working as a host, writer and producer of radio and TV shows in Russia and Europe. For 9 years he worked as a host, write and producer of the MTV Radio franchise working on highly popular syndicated radio shows.

​Tenants' Rights Legal Clinic
Wendell Jones

Clinic Counselor

Wendell Jones helped found three Tenant Action Center (TAC) renter’s clinics with the National Lawyers Guild in 1971. He worked in the Venice office for seven years before coming to staff and coordinate the in-person CES Tenants Rights’ Clinic prior to the pandemic.  He raised thousands of dollars for AIDS activism and was active in Act Up. He continues to counsel tenants at both the Wednesday and Saturday CES Tenants Rights’ Clinic.

​Greta Ponce de Léon

Tenants' Rights Outreach Organizer

Greta Ponce de Leon transitioned from a tenant activist to managing the Saturday CES Tenant Rights Clinic when it was held in-person. Over the past few years her dedication to tenant issues led her to provide additional support to CES and is currently working with staff as an Outreach Specialist for Stay Housed LA, Lead Hazard Remediation Program and other community engagement efforts. She is bilingual English/Spanish.

Coalición para Sobrevivencia Económica
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616 Shatto Place
Los Ángeles, California 90005
Teléfono: (213)252-4411
Fax: (213)252-4422

Dirección de envio
Coalición para la Supervivencia Económica

14320 Ventura Blvd. - PMB 537
Sherman Robles, CA 91423

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