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CES Has a Proven Record

Since 1973, CES has organized people throughout the Los Angeles area, achieving an impressive record in fighting and winning many battles. In its over quarter of a century history, CES:

  • Led the fight to win rent control in Los Angeles and West Hollywood, and has been the premier "watchdog" protecting and strengthening rent control since its adoption.

  • Was the driving force to incorporate the City of West Hollywood and electing CES members to the West Hollywood City Council.

  • Organized thousands of tenants in private and HUD subsidized buildings into tenant unions to stop rent increases and evictions, and to force landlords to make needed repairs.

  • Assisted HUD tenants in purchasing their buildings to preserve them as tenant controlled affordable housing.

  • Secured hundreds of government-funded affordable housing units for tenants being displaced.

  • Assisted thousands of tenants with information on their rights at CES' twice a week Tenants' Rights Clinic.

These accomplishments, along with many others, have made CES one of L.A.'s most dynamic and effective grassroots community organizations.

Become a CES Supporter

It's only through the support of CES Members that we can establish the people-power needed to achieve new victories. Become a part of and help add to this impressive record of victories by signing up as a member today! 

Membership is on an annual basis and starts as low as $15 for the year. You can also help to ensure CES' financial health by becoming a Sustainer. Sustainers contribute an amount (whatever one can afford), monthly, quarterly, or annually. 

Join Our Tenant Leadership Council

Once you’ve become a CES member you are urged to become an active member by joining CES’ Tenant Leadership Council (click for info).  

The Leadership Council is where you can help CES determine issues to work on, get support from other tenants facing similar problems, strategize and develop solutions, build your skills, plan campaigns and, most important, help win economic justice.

Just click here, on the CES Tenant Leadership Council Application Form. Print it. Fill it out. And, send it back to CES. It’s that easy.

Coalition for Economic Survival
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616 Shatto Place
Los Angeles, California  90005
Phone: (213)252-4411
Fax: (213)252-4422

Mailing Address
Coalition For Economic Survival

14320 Ventura Blvd. - PMB 537
Sherman Oaks, CA 91423


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