Tenants Rights & Organizing Information

General Tenants' Rights & Organizing Information
City of Los Angeles Rent Stabilization Ordinance Information & Tenants' Rights
City of LA Rent Stabilization Tenant Protections
City of LA Rent Stabilization Tenant Protections
City of LA Rent Stabilization Tenant Protections
City of LA Rent Stabilization Tenant Protections
File a Complaint
File a RSO or Eviction Moratorium Complain, Report a housing code violation or File an accessibility complaint. https://housing.lacity.org/residents/file-a-complaint
Rent Stabilization Rent Increase Calculator
Find out how much your rent can legally be raised. https://housing.lacity.org/rso-rent-increase-calculator
City of LA Rent Stabilization Information
Reasons in Which Evictions Are Allowed
If you are protected by Rent Control, these are the only reasons for which the landlord can evict you. https://housing.lacity.org/residents/eviction-assistance
Tenant Is Not At-Fault for Eviction - https://housing.lacity.org/residents/tenant-is-not-at-fault-for-eviction-renters
Tenant Is At-Fault for Eviction - https://housing.lacity.org/residents/tenant-is-not-at-fault-for-eviction-renters
Los Angeles Rent Stabilization Ordinance
Obtain the actual ordinance in the Los Angeles Municipal Code. https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/los_angeles/latest/lamc/0-0-0-195151
County of Los Angeles Renter Protections
Information for renters in the County of LA
City of West Hollywood Rent Stabilization Ordinance Information & Tenants' Rights
City of West Hollywood Rent Stabilization
Everything you need to know about your rights as a tenant protected by the West Hollywood Rent Control law. https://www.weho.org/city-government/rent-stabilization
City of Santa Monica Rent Stabilization Ordinance Information & Tenants' Rights
City of Santa Monica Rent Stabilization Information
City of Beverly Hills Rent Stabilization Ordinance Information & Tenants' Rights
City of Beverly Hills Rent Control Law
Information on the City of Beverly Hills Rent Stabilization Ordinance. https://www.beverlyhills.org/departments/communitydevelopment/rentstabilizationdivision/
Other Tenants' Rights Material & Information
Stay Housed LA
Stay Housed L.A. is a partnership between the County of Los Angeles, the City of Los Angeles and local community and legal service providers. Stay Housed LA provide tenants with the information and support needed to exercise their rights so that they can remain safely in their homes. https://www.stayhousedla.org/
California Tenant Protections
AB 1482 – California Rent Cap & Just Cause For Eviction
California Tenants - A Guide to Tenants' Rights
From the California Department of Consumer Affairs - The Landlord/Tenant Handbook. Important information especially for tenants who are not covered by any local rent control laws. In these cases the state laws provided in this handbook are the tenant protections for non-rent controlled apartments. https://www.courts.ca.gov/documents/California-Tenants-Guide.pdf
Information on the Eviction Process
What to expect if you're being evicted. From CalTenantLaw.
Information on Residential Landlord-Tenant Law
General rights and remedies based upon California Landlord-Tenant law. From CalTenantLaw.
Landlords' Right to Enter Your Apartment
Nolo's Fast Facts: A Landlord's Right of Entry
How to Use Small Claims Court
Information about using Small Claims Court to resolve disputes. https://selfhelp.courts.ca.gov/small-claims-california
California Housing Habitability Law
The Implied Warranty of Habitability -- In Green v. Superior Court, the California Supreme Court held that due to the expectations inherent in the modern landlord/tenant relationship there is a warranty of habitability implied in every residential lease. Green v. Superior Court, (1974) 10 Cal.3d 616, 111 Cal.Rptr. 704. Link to PDF

HUD Subsidized Housing & Section 8
HUD Subsidized Housing & Section 8 Information
CES Affordable Housing At-Risk Outreach Flyer
Information alerting tenants living in HUD subsidized housing that the affordability restrictions on their building is at- risk. Link to Flyer.
CES Project-Based Section 8 Opt-Out Brochure
Information on the rights of HUD subsidized tenants where the building owner is attempting to "opt-out" of the project-based Section 8 rent subsidy contract. Link to Brochure.
CES Section 8 Termination Flyer
Information alerting tenants with Section 8 rent subsidy vouchers living in LA Rent Control units that they have protections against landlord attempts to terminate the Section 8 contract. Link to Brochure.
HUD Tenants' Right to Organize
The US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regulation providing HUD tenants the right to organize. Link to Brochure.
CES Tenant's Rights to Organize Brochure
Information on the importance of HUD tenants organizing to save their affordable homes and the law that protects their right to organize. Link to Brochure.
CES Tenant's Rights to Organize Brochure

Tenant Organizing
Tenant Organizing information
How to Organize a Community Meeting
Find out the steps to take to organize a community meeting. Link to Flyer.
How to Organize a Tenants' Association
Find out the steps to take to organize a tenants' association, because in unity there is strength. Link to Flyer.
Introduction to Tenant Organizing
Learn why it is important to organize to ensure your rights. Link to Flyer.
Tenants' Right to Have Tenant Organizers Assist Them
California law (CA Civil Code 1942.6) that provides the right of tenants to invite tenant organizers to their apartment. Link to Flyer.