Coalition for Economic Survival West Hollywood Tenants' Rights Clinic
WEDNESDAYS FOR WEHO: The Coalition for Economic Survival (CES) conducts a Tenants' Rights Clinic via Zoom for ONLY West Hollywood Tenants every Wednesday evening at 6pm.
To request a registration link for the Clinic, email
In addition, CES conducts a Tenants' Rights Clinic every Saturday at 10am for ALL area renters
Accommodations provided for Russian speakers
A City Built on Rent Control
CES Led the Effort to Incorporate the City of West Hollywood
It was on a night in November in 1984 that Coalition for Economic Survival members rejoiced in the culmination of their years of hard work in securing tenants’ rights and rent control by creating the new City of West Hollywood. This achievement serves as an example that when you organize people, empower them through their involvement and work your tail off, real change can occur. West Hollywood was created by an organized grassroots effort, which CES led. It stands as a city built on rent control, and a hope and desire for justice.
CES led an alliance of seniors on fixed income, members of the LGBTQIA+ community and renters to incorporate the City of West Hollywood. Up against big money and real estate interests, voter approval for cityhood was won and CES-endorsed candidates captured 4 out of 5 City Council seats.
Currently the City of West Hollywood contracts with CES to provide outreach, education and ensuring tenants' rights to West Hollywood renters. CES' efforts have also been successful in also reaching out to West Hollywood's large Russian immigrant community.
West Hollywood renters who are in need of CES assistance should contact CES at: or call: (213) 252-4411 extension 205.
West Hollywood residents celebrate cityhood at a Nov. 25, 1984 meeting of the Coalition for Economic Survival, which supported incorporation on behalf of renters. Courtesy of the Los Angeles Public Library Herald-Examiner Collection.
The Coalition for Economic Survival sought to win support for West Hollywood cityhood by welcoming Olympic torch runners for the 1984 Summer Olympics hosted by Los Angeles. This demonstration took place at the corner of Santa Monica Boulevard and Fairfax Avenue.
1984 CES rally in Plummer Park which launched the campaign that resulted in the incorporation of West Hollywood, the election of CES members to the West Hollywood City Council and enactment of one of the strongest rent control laws in the nation.